Uh, hi.
Haven't been here in a long time (you don't say), so here's a summary of what Edinburgh has turned me into.
You know that meme thing, Bad Luck Brian? That's me as a PG student. Eh.

The first day I visited the university, one of those awkward "get-in-the-room-meet-random-people-cos-fuck-you-that's-why" events happened. They give you a cup of coffee and put a sticker on you so that you can recognise the other wild animals in your programme and yes, of course, talk to them. One of the first memories I have from that day is me getting there late, finding the one free seat, leaving my bag there just for a second so I could grab a cup of tea; when I turned around, this guys was sitting on my bag. Oh well.
This is what Edinburgh has been doing to me. And if you think this is a happy post, er--
Actually, it all started from this: all the signs were there. Infinite tragedy.
Then classes started. As did my lifelong relationship with the library. And with brain dysfunctions.
Jesus looks at me every time I walk past it. And yes, that pink thread threatens my mental stability four times a day.
This is a clear and concise description of what's been going on in my head. And an epiphany.
I met the worst people on earth. Both those in the picture and the ones behind the camera.
Can't say nicer things about my flatmates. This was a trap: "Hey Claudia, can you come here a second? I've got something to ask you"....
Did I mention brain dysfunctions?
But this wasn't even my final form (Suicide Bunnies are for tragedy scale comparison).
That's it.
Just chillin' in the ambulance, bitches.
Pre-surgery selfie. In great shape!
The hospital experience changed my life forever. The last day I spent there they shoved me in a room with three ninety-year-old ladies. Including one whose only goal in life was to get on her feet and aimlessly walk to the bathroom and pee with the door open. Needless to say, the bathroom was just across for me. And she wore a gown, one of those that are open in the back.
First day of Physiotherapy? Of course, the ward was just across from this...
Then I went to Glasgow to see Patrick Wolf, and of course it was raining (a rare phenomenon here in Scotland). Pret a Manger was all I saw before the gig.
This is dedicated to all the people who have asked me "Are you having fun in Edinburgh?"
Me: "Oh, it's raining, let's take the big umbrella so it won't break".
Scotland: "NOPE. Because fuck you, that's why."
Scotland: "NOPE. Because fuck you, that's why."
I spent the entire Christmas break at the university, watching the sun rise every morning, living with the Californian time zone and making friends with the security guys. Not the stinky guys though. Oh, I also wrote four papers. This is me showing off my mane to the camera.
And of course, I haven't had the time to get back to a normal life and my Christmas break officially lasted five days. A new semester is starting. And if you think this is a happy ending, I'd like you to know that
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